Lord, give me someone to believe,
This hope that’s in my heart.
Though most cannot hold fast,
I pray for one to share that part.

For, I must hope, above all others.
I must watch and pray
Until my child is safe, again,
And steady in Your way.

A Mother’s heart cannot give up
Or fail to furnish hope.
Encouragement must flourish most
When they’re on a downward slope.

Don’t let the clouds sweep over me.
Don’t let me fail to see
Sunshine, in a life of gloom,
Hope in his destiny.

Friends don’t always laugh and run.
Neither do they sigh,
But stand together, during trials,
Supporting side by side.

So, send someone, dear Lord, I pray,
To touch, to see, to know
That they believe and hold my hope
As precious to their soul.

 Joan Clifton Costner
Copyrighted. All rights reserved.

"And when he was yet a long way off, his
father saw him, and had compassion, and ran
... and fell on his neck ... and kissed him."
Luke 15:20

" A friend who sticketh closer than a brother."

The Library

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