
It is no task for Him to answer prayer -

Just bring your greatest need and leave it there.

For anger of injustice He can keep

And heal your wound and make your heart repeat

The glory and the wonder of His grace for every sin;

And He can do these marvels ever again.

Why do we trifle making God so small,

When He provided every bird his call?

Brings forth the sun, the sets it in the west;

He give to us what in His plan is best.

Oh, heart of little not dismay.

God is the same - all power - yet today!

A little hope begins each miracle;

A little prayer that leaves our heart so full;

A little trust and more will follow true;

And soon a miracle is done for you!

Oh, try His ways, He loves you, weary one -

He proved it when He sacrificed His Son!

Joan Clifton Costner
Copyrighted. All rights reserved.

The Library

All The pages are listed in the Library.


Awards Two


My Dreams

For My Mother