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The Departure
He boarded the ship with a smile and a wave
And though he would "like to stay" -
He bade us farewell and we watched his ship
Sail silently away......
And we clutched our breasts and wiped our eyes,
But he, on the vessels bow
Was happy and blessed with no trace of tears
For nothing could hurt him now.
A shinning vessel with white sails spread
Sailed out on a timeless sea -
And oh! the mem'ries of so many years
Swept like a flood over me!
Yes, we know he is standing with strength renewed
In a glorious, heavenly place -
We know he's contented and strong and free -
Greeted with cherished embrace.
Still...we watch as long as our eyes can hold -
"Til at last we must say, "He's gone"...
But we must remember that other shore
Where loved ones are shouting, "He's Home!"
..."He is gone!"..."He is Home!"...from two
different worlds -
The evident and the obscure...
God...help us develop our spiritual eyes
Until Heaven by Faith is made sure!
"Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1
Joan Clifton Costner
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The Library
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