I am the God of glory,

I Am the God of Light;

My hand can split the heavens,

My voice dispel the night!

There is no force above Me,

No other power or might -

My word alone brought forth the world

And gave all men their life!

And would you hide, Oh sinner?

What choice your hiding place?

For I Am everywhere the same

And I Am where you’re safe!

When torrents rage above you -

When all hope seems in vain -

I Am the God of Purest Love,

And I’m evermore the same!

I Am the God Who can unfold

Transparent insect wings;

Who gives an individual song

To every bird that sings;

Creator of the rainbow

And scarlet sunset hues...

Who saw you in your mother’s womb

And knew you would be you!

I love you just the way you are,

I know why you were made.

For you I sent My Precious Son -

For you a price I paid

A million stars...a million signs

Within your sight and touch

Compelling you to know the truth:

I Am He, Who loves so much!

Joan Clifton Costner

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