Across the seas, in lands beyond,

The saints and martyrs glow;

How can I stand before Your face

With those who’ve suffered so?

When I’ve forgotten even to pray

For them for days - for weeks;

And I have suffered nothing for

The Kingdom that I seek.

What joy ‘twould be to clasp the hand

Of one who stood for you.

Nor ever denied one single word

Of Yours they knew was true.

Can my eyes ever look in theirs?

(For they have given all) -

And I, who could, can scarcely seem

To speak Your name at all.

Oh, God! I can but wonder -

For I love those saints so true.

I’ve never suffered for Your sake,

But Lord,...I love You too.

Help me, gracious Lord, to do and

Say the things I should;

To stand for right and never deny

One portion of Thy word.

One glorious day we’ll stand before

Thy throne and see Thy face;

Hand in hand we’ll marvel at

The wonder of Your grace.

Thank You, Lord, that time will be

Measured never more;

And I can take eternity

To thank those I adore!

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of
those who bring good news..."

Joan Clifton Costner
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