It's quiet in the Church and I

Can feel that You are here;

In fact, I can't remember when

Your presence was so near.

Alone within these hallowed walls

I bend my knees to You...

Sincerely Lord, I seek Your will

Your deeds I yearn to do.

The busy world is rushing on....

But just for now, I rest

And draw my strength from You who always

Knows what is the best.

And quietly, in tender ways,

You plant the seeds of love;

Within my heart comes forth the will

To do that from above.

Oh, I would stay! For in the air

Your Spirit lingers strong!

I hold my breath and listen close

Expecting angel songs.

But human hands become Your own

When human hearts revere...

So, I'll arise to do Your will

Secure because You're near.

Joan Clifton Costner

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Awards Two
