Everlasting Valentine

I remember when my heart was all a flutter,
With dreams of love on every Valentine’s
All the anxious moments, all the waiting,
To see and go by what the daises say.

I’ve lived awhile and found a few good
And, ‘love’ is truly different for me, now.
I know it's not a ‘feeling’ I encounter.
It’s a decision made to keep a vow.

The world would say, when you lose certain
It’s time to move on; seek some newer
But, it's easy to prove my conviction,
The Greatest Lover testifies of ‘will’.

My Everlasting Valentine decided
To love and win my heart, and save my soul.
But, I was unaware of His conviction;
Made no attempt to validate His goal.

Still, He persistently continued loving,
Until it led Him up a rugged hill.
‘Feelings’ put aside, He kept His purpose
And died that awful death to pay my bill.

I know that if I asked the Lord, He’d tell
"Love’s a thing that you decide to do.
You walk in, with both your eyes wide open,
And give you life. You love them more than

That’s what He did, friend, even with tears
He loved us even more than His own life.
He faced God, all alone, with our sins
He paid our awful debt for sin and strife.

It was an act of daring consequences;
Complete surrender - all His heart He
He saved a world. He published Love’s Sweet
By His unselfish act - of His own will!
Joan Clifton Costner
Copyrighted. All rights reserved.
"Who for the joy before Him, endured the
despising the shame ..."
Hebrews 12:2

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