In His Hand

In God's great hands my name is written down-

-Not lightly, but with bold deliberate strokes;

Engraved forever there for me to see

One day when I come home- Still following the way.

I cannot fathom why the great "I Am"

Should plan for me to know His pen has traced

The letters of my name -(which He knew first)- -

Except… the joy, the peace, … the confidence He has-

in wondrous ways- to me dispensed.

For when the tragedies of life contain my name I say,

"He knows and Jam not alone. I trust because I know...

He can't forget... This trial for me is good… He loves me yet."

And so, dear friend, my pen is in my hand

Your name I place upon my palm today.

I promise, as I go about my tasks,

I'll pray for you each time the Spirit asks.

Sometimes, in gentle gesture...

I do close My fingers there around your precious name...

And hold you close... and know...

that God Is doing just the same.

Joan Clifton Costner
Copyrighted. All rights reserved.