Set this day aside for
remembering ~
Reflections of things already in
my mind;
Of other days and simpler ways,
And loving thoughts of another
We can’t go there, except to say
The thoughts we have of them,
Who loved and cared and acted
More, than this, our yearly
The souls who fought for
freedom’s way,
So far displaced from home,
The victims. falling by the side
Of harms way - all alone.
The loved ones who have taught
so much
Send down their traits by genes;
So personal, so cherished, and
In our children now are seen.
For those who fell by "calling"
A lost world needing Love,
Who gave their last full measure
To bring that Name beloved.
To little ones who never saw
The sunlight of one day;
And have no marker, nor even
To say they’ve gone away.
And all the while remembering ~
They all were once as I....
And hope there’s someone willing
To mourn me...when I die....
Joan Clifton Costner
Copyrighted. All rights
"Remember me as you pass by -
As you are now, so, once was
As I am now soon you will be...
Where will you spend eternity?"
All pages are listed in
the Library.