I Believe that every stripe that Jesus bore,

He bore for me....

I Believe, the Son of God, He bled and died

On Calvary....

I Believe that when I call upon His name...

The answers come...

For He's the same....

I Believe....

I Believe....

I Believe the greatest Love the world could know....

Is mine for free!

I Believe that when I open wide my heart...

He lives in me!...

When I think the price He paid to hide my shame...

I stand in awe

And praise His name!

Always the same....

I Believe!...

Every time I see the lightning in the sky,

I know by faith

His coming's nigh -

I'll lift Him high....for

I Believe!!!....

I Believe!!!!!...

Copyrighted by

Joan Clifton Costner

All rights reserved.

The Library

All pages are listed in the library.


Awards Two
