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Come on home, little brother of mine,

Come on home, you're so weary.

How many battles you've fought and lost;

How many scars you carry!

Each battle, you thought, the last one -

You were convinced you could win;

But I am tired of seeing you

Beaten and suffering, again.

Come on home ~ Dad's waiting;

Big arms open wide up there.

He wants you so, and, yes, He knows

You've had more than your share.

Fathers are always waiting

To see a son coming home ~

And this big Brother is here to say

I'll go with you - I'll carry you some.

You can rest in My arms, little brother,

You can sleep awhile and grow strong.

Don't worry ~ I never stumble

Let's, you and I, move right along.

Awhile back I did some time for you

In a battle you couldn't have won ~

So now, I'll take you home, little brother,

You're one of those I call my own.

There are demons we fight and the struggle

Isn't always so obvious here;

There are souls that tremble in silence ~

Hiding away in fear.

There are warriors, too, that do battle

With a monster that just won't die.

The world watches (with all the answers)

But not acting very wise.

Someone had a smile for you, brother,

Someone, an encouraging word ~

Someone with an hour and spiritual power

Could have said what you never heard.

So I'm taking you home, little brother,

Where the tempter can come never more ~

I set your soul free! Come! Abide with me!

Let's be off for the golden shore!

Joan Clifton Costner

Copyrighted. All rights reserved.


John 15: 16 "You did not choose me ~ I have chosen you."

Prov. 18:24 "There is a Friend Who sticketh closer than a brother."

Rom. 8: "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be

 compared with the glory that is to come."


The Library

All The pages are listed in the Library.


Awards Two


My Dreams