You値l never be an angel

Though sometimes it痴 hard to tell,

For you have ways becoming, and

You壇 play an angel well.

But God made you uniquely -

Only one you値l ever find!

I値l know you up in Heaven,

You値l still be a friend of mine.

God made a lot of angels and

He gave them certain tasks.

A warrior, and a messenger -

They fly whene弾r He asks;

But we were made a different way

With wills to call our own-

We decide with our free will

Where will be our final home.

I read about the cherubim -

(Ezekiel told it well!)

Gabriel, the messenger,

Michael making war on hell.

But Jesus was still Jesus

When He rose up from the grave,

We will know and recognize Him

In the land of endless day.

You値l still be you - I値l still be me

A million years from now;

No telling what the Lord will have

For us to do...Somehow

I知 glad, although I know we値l change

With bodies just like Jesus,

But I値l still know you and see you

Just the way that Jesus sees us!

"We will be known as we are known" I Cor. 13:12

"Masterpieces - created in Jesus" Eph. 2:10

"To us gave He power to become the Sons of God." John 1:12

Joan Clifton Costner

Copyrighted. All rights reserved.

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Awards Two


My Dreams

My Mother