No Other Gods

When the trumpet sounds

And the King of Kings

Splits the eastern sky ...

When the dead rise first

And the saved are snatched,

Forever to be by His side ...

Whenever I can,

I’ll bow my knee

To kiss the nail pierced feet.

For, I know all the scars,

That Jesus has,

Were put there just for me.

When the God of all

Sits on His throne

And men come, one by one ...

All knees will bow

and tears will flow,

Some regretting and some in awe.

Then, will they remember

The times they’ve bowed,

The times they have stood in line ...

For just a glimpse

Of someone on earth

Who had seemed so very sublime?

Since Jesus ascended

so long ago,

Not a single man on earth ...

Could answer the smallest

(Or largest) prayer

That was prayed for all it's worth!

Since the heavy veil,

In the holy of holies,

Split, from the top right down ...

There’s no one to stand,

Between us and our Maker,

Giving nod or pious frown.

So, my knees are stiff,

Save when I come

To the great Creator of all ...

Of galaxies, matter,

And even of time.

Only then will I fall.

So gladly, I’ll give

My praise and my love.

So thankfully will I recall ...

My knees never bent

To imposters that crave,

But only to Lord of All!

2002 by Joan Clifton Costner
Copyrighted. All rights reserved.

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Awards Two



My Dreams

For My Mother

God's America

Wave On